Misconceptions about dyslexia are held by professionals who assess children for the learning difficulty, according to a new study which calls for evidence-based standardized assessment procedures.
Read all about it HERE
Misconceptions about dyslexia are held by professionals who assess children for the learning difficulty, according to a new study which calls for evidence-based standardized assessment procedures.
Read all about it HERE
Help your students with trouble with math too, use our online selfpaced training https://dys4dys.org
See it all here https://dys4dys.org or go directly to the training HERE
In my mission to bring more resources for dyscalculia I have recognized the enormous potential we have in the trained dyslexia tutors. There is a 40% comorbidity or overlap between dyslexia and dyscalculia and we hear from dyslexia tutors that they get often asked to also help out with math that the children have problems with.
So I have developed a Training for Dyslexia tutors who want to also work with children who have dyscalculia.
See it HERE
Lonnie, the wife of Muhammed Ali, speaks about how dyslectic thinking has shaped the Greatest Of All Times.
Read all about it HERE