Dyslexia and blinking your eyes

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People with dyslexia seem to have an issue with a bridge connecting two pieces of the brain. It is as if the bridge is damaged and some messages come across late or garbled.

Dr. Condor discovered this through high speed photography of chilldren. When they started to blink, one eyelid started down just a fraction of a second before the other one. When they started to smile, one corner of the mouth started up just a fraction of a second before the other one. When they reached for something, one hand started to move just a fraction of a second before the other. The slow side was always the same, and the delay was the same size for everything.

Since this peculiarity was only present in dyslectic kids, he concluded that their CC’s had to be out of shape somehow. I will always be impressed with the fact that today’s brain scans still show the same-sized time delay that Dr. Condon cleverly found in 1982 with nothing but a low-tech, high-speed camera!

Read all about it HERE

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