Don’t deny – defy dyslexia

News from the web:

The day Steve Jobs died my son came home from school and asked me:

“Can I also please be dyslexic like Steve?”

Dumbfounded I stared at him as he rambled on about Steve Jobs, about Mac and how “awesome” it was.

Technological icon Steve Jobs left behind a silver bitten apple, a legacy of hard work and most importantly a realisation that learning differences are a gift – not a stigma.

The problem

Nobody truly knows the origins of learning differences. The spectrum is wide and deep, ranging from low attention span, weak memory, speech problems, auditory issues, literacy and numeracy challenges, vestibular and cognitive development and social interaction to behaviour issues this wide umbrella is widening at a startling pace and deepening at an alarming rate. Genetics, diet, environment, academic pressures and competition are all contributing to this increase. Yet the most resonating factor is denial from parents.

Read all about it HERE

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