Dyslexia and pronounceablility

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Great Study!

Overall, children with dyslexia were impaired when they had to process strings, not only of pronounceable stimuli but also of unpronounceable stimuli, a deficit well accounted for by a single global factor. By contrast, they were much less affected when they had to recognize an isolated letter (and no global factor was present) and could take advantage of a pronounceable context, effectively using the ortho-phono-tactic information derived from a previously seen letter string. Therefore, the present findings are in keeping with the proposal that an impairment in pre-lexical graphemic analysis is a core deficit in developmental dyslexia at least in a regular orthography (such as Italian) while they are inconsistent with the alternative view that orthographic–phonological binding may represent a proximal cause of dyslexia.

Read all about it HERE

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