One in 10 HK students dyslexic

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Does your child confuse the letters “O” and “Q” or misspell “b” for “d” even at the age of 9? Not only does writing become difficult, but content may also appear to be shallow. If this is the case, do not blame your child for laziness, as this may be a symptom of dyslexia.

Dyslexia, a specific reading disability, is a typical example of a learning disorder. People having dyslexia are just like ordinary people in terms of intelligence. Since its symptoms are not obviously noticeable in everyday life, it often passes untreated in childhood. This type of disorder is one of the reasons which explain why certain children perform less well than others.

The Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team has conducted a survey on this matter. From a sample of 700 students from 27 schools, approximately 12 per cent of them have a reading disability.

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